Red mite can be a serious problem in poultry sheds during the summer months. They live in hen houses, not on hens. They come out at night and suck blood from sleeping birds. If left untreated, red mite breed very quickly. Hens will become ill and die.
How do I know if there are red mite in my hen house?
Take a white cloth or piece of white kitchen roll out to the coop at night and rub it across the perch. Red smears on the cloth mean there are red mite present.
Alternatively, the 'Red Mite Alert', available from Durham Hens, is a simple reusable device for detecting red mite. Simply attach the device to a perch and check it day or night to
detect the presence of red mite. If you have a broody hen, the device can be placed in the
nest box. 'Red Mite Alert' allows continual monitoring for the presence of red
mite, so any infestations can be treated straight away and you can see how effective your treatment is.
I have seen tiny grey things crawling in my shed. What are they?
Adult red mite are actually grey in colour. They only turn red after they have ingested blood from hens. Immature red mite are white. They can live over six months without feeding so, if buying a second-hand coop, be sure to clean it thoroughly before getting hens to ensure there are no red mite left in it.
What is Diatomaceous Earth?
Diatomaceous Earth, also known as DE powder, is a 100% natural product that is used in
poultry housing and on chickens to eliminate parasites, such as mites, lice and fleas. It can be used on all
types of poultry as well as horses, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs and cats. It is made from finely ground fossil particles which are microscopically very sharp.
These particles scratch through the waxy exoskeleton of insects causing them to
dehydrate and die. Diatomaceous Earth does not
affect eggs or meat from the birds - there is no egg or meat withdrawal time. It
is approved by DEFRA and, although it is classed as food grade, please note it
is not intended for human consumption.The brand we stock at Durham Hens is called Smite Organic Powder.
How do I get rid of red mite?
To kill red mites, dust the ends of the perches and nest boxes
regularly with Smite to stop mites getting to the hens. Hens are particularly vulnerable when they are perched up at night, laying eggs or especially if they are broody. We dust every time we clean out our hen houses. If red
mite has been identified, coops should be thoroughly cleaned with Smite
Professional or All Mite / Poultry Shield before using DE powder. These are both
powerful, concentrated, liquid cleaners for poultry houses. They kill red mite, as well as bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae etc. Use several times a year for a thorough clean and, in the case of a red mite infestation,
use on a regular basis until it is clear of red mite. Both solutions are concentrated, so simply follow the instructions for preparing the solution and spray on all surfaces of the coop.
I don't have red mite. How can I prevent it?
Dust the coop (bedding, perches and nest boxes) with Smite Organic Powder after cleaning.
Plastic hen houses are becoming more and more popular because red mite are less likely to be found in them. Also, red mite are much easier to eradicate from plastic coops.
For products to help control Red Mite, please see HEN HEALTH SUPPLIES
Durham Hens LimitedVine HouseTow LawCounty DurhamDL13 4BNTel: 07763929686